Global Trade Alert
Global Trade Alert

India: Import tariff amendments for sugar, colemanite, boron ores, rubber, silk and video cameras


30 Apr 2015

On 30 April 2015, the India Ministry of Finance through Customs Notification 28/2015 increased the import duty on raw & refined sugar and natural rubber, while reducing the duty on raw silk, video cameras and their parts, and on Colemanite and Boron ores.


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Number of interventions


1 certainly harmful

0 likely harmful

1 liberalising

List of interventions

2 in force

Implementation date

30 Apr 2015

Revocation date:

No revocation date

Import tariff In force

The import duty has been reduced on the following products - Import duty on Colemanite and Boron ores has been reduced from 2.5% to zero. Import duty on raw silk (not thrown) has been reduced from 1...

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Implementation date

30 Apr 2015

Revocation date:

No revocation date

Import tariff In force

The import tariff on raw and refined sugar is increased from 25% to 40% while that on natural rubber has been increased from "20% or Rs. 30/kg., whichever is lower" or "Rs. 30/kg. to 25% or Rs. 30/kg...

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