05 Dec 2022
In December 2022, the Russian government announced the allocation of RUB 2 billion (USD 31.95 million) to a state aid scheme subsidising preferential wheeled vehicle leasing for 2023. It constitutes a RUB 2.87 billion (USD 45.84 million) decrease compared to the total regular budget of this state aid scheme in 2022, which was over RUB 4.87 billion (USD 77.79 million).
Number of interventions
0 certainly harmful
0 likely harmful
2 liberalising
0 in force
Implementation date
01 Jan 2023
Revocation date:
No revocation date
On 5 December 2022, the Russian government published Federal Law No. 466-FZ on the federal budget for 2023, announcing in its Annex 12, Section 020 an allocation of RUB 2 billion (USD 31.95 million) t...
On 5 December 2022, the Russian government published Federal Law No. 466-FZ on the federal budget for 2023, announcing in its Annex 12, Section 020 an allocation of RUB 2 billion (USD 31.95 million) t...
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