Global Trade Alert
Global Trade Alert

Portugal: State aid in the form of direct grants, reimbursable grants, interest rate subsidies and subsidized public loans


12 Jan 2009

In January 2009, the government of Portugal announced a change in private-sector financial support.


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Number of interventions


4 certainly harmful

0 likely harmful

0 liberalising

List of interventions

0 in force

Implementation date

01 Jan 2009

Revocation date:

No revocation date

Loan guarantee

On 12 January 2009, Portugal notified the "Limited amounts of aid" scheme - State aid N 13/2009 The Portuguese authorities consider that the financial crisis starts affecting the real economy. The n...

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State loan

On 12 January 2009, Portugal notified the "Limited amounts of aid" scheme - State aid N 13/2009 The Portuguese authorities consider that the financial crisis starts affecting the real economy. The n...

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Financial grant

On 12 January 2009, Portugal notified the "Limited amounts of aid" scheme - State aid N 13/2009 The Portuguese authorities consider that the financial crisis starts affecting the real economy. The n...

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Interest payment subsidy

On 12 January 2009, Portugal notified the "Limited amounts of aid" scheme - State aid N 13/2009 The Portuguese authorities consider that the financial crisis starts affecting the real economy. The n...

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