28 Oct 2022
In October 2022, the government of Argentina launched the Argentine Credit Programme (CreAr) to provide loans for investments and import substitution projects, as well as export financing.
Number of interventions
8 certainly harmful
0 likely harmful
0 liberalising
2 in force
Implementation date
28 Oct 2022
Revocation date:
No revocation date
On 28 October 2022, the government of Argentina announced the creation of an ARS 40 billion (USD 256.4 million) credit line, managed by the National Argentine Bank (BNA in Spanish), to finance investm...
On 28 October 2022, the government of Argentina announced the creation of an ARS 50.4 billion (USD 323 million) credit line to finance investment projects related to exports of industrial and agroindu...
On 28 October 2022, the government of Argentina announced the creation of an ARS 30 billion (USD 192.3 million) credit line, managed by the Argentine Development Bank (BICE in Spanish), to finance inv...
On 28 October 2022, the government of Argentina announced the creation of an ARS 30 billion (USD 192.3 million) credit line to finance investment projects of industrial and agroindustrial SMEs, as wel...
On 28 October 2022, the government of Argentina announced the creation of an ARS 75 billion (USD 480.7 million) credit line, managed by the National Argentine Bank (BNA in Spanish), to support strateg...
On 28 October 2022, the government of Argentina announced the creation of an ARS 34.6 billion (USD 221.8 million) credit line to finance import substitution projects of industrial and agroindustrial S...
On 28 October 2022, the government of Argentina launched a credit line for pre- and post-finance export operations of industrial and agroindustrial companies, as well as companies that provide industr...
On 28 October 2022, the government of Argentina announced the creation of an ARS 30 billion (USD 192.3 million) credit line to finance the leasing operations of industrial and agroindustrial SMEs, as ...
26 Jan 2023
Argentina: Additional budget for the Argentine Credit Programme (CreAr)
12 Apr 2023
Argentina: New credit lines under the CreaAr programme
23 May 2023
Argentina: Budget increase of several credit lines under the Argentine Credit Programme (CreAr)
13 Jul 2023
Argentina: Credits for the oil and gas sector under the CreaAr programme
26 Sep 2023
Argentina: BICE increases budget of its credit line under CreAr programme
See all
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