Global Trade Alert
Global Trade Alert

Indonesia: 4th round economic Stimulus Package to Soften the Impact of Covid-19


11 May 2020

In May 2020, the government of Indonesia implemented the National Economic Recovery Program through several interventions such as reducing Corporate Income Tax (CIT) rate, providing interest payment subsidies ranging from two to six percent to SMEs, providing subsidies of IDR 2.78 trillion (USD 187.4 million) to palm oil sector, and providing state loans of IDR 87 trillion (USD 5.9 billion) to commercial banks who provides working capital to SMEs. 


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Number of interventions


3 certainly harmful

0 likely harmful

0 liberalising

List of interventions

3 in force

Implementation date

09 Jul 2020

Revocation date:

No revocation date

Interest payment subsidy In force

As a follow up of regulation 23/2020 on the implementation of the National Economic Recovery (NER) program, Ministry of Finance issued regulation PMK 85/2020 that enables the government to provide int...

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Implementation date

28 May 2020

Revocation date:

No revocation date

Production subsidy In force

In accordance with the Regulation 23 of 2020 (Reg 23/2020) on the implementation of the National Economic Recovery (NER) program, the government of Indonesia provides subsidies of IDR 2.78 trillion (U...

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Implementation date

11 May 2020

Revocation date:

No revocation date

State loan In force

Pursuant to Regulation 23 of 2020 on the implementation of the National Economic Recovery (NER) which was announced and commenced on 11 May 2020, the government of Indonesia provides state loans of ID...

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