Global Trade Alert
Global Trade Alert

EU: Extension of antidumping duty on imports of silicon from China as extended to South Korea and Chinese Taipei following an anti-circumvention investigation


01 Dec 2008

In March 2009, the European Commission initiated a sunset review on antidumping duty on imports of silicon from China and the definitive duty was extended in May 2010. In May 2015 a new sunset review was initiated and the definitive duty was extended in July 2016. In July 2021, a new sunset review was initiated and the definitive duty was extended once again in August 2022. 


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Number of interventions


4 certainly harmful

0 likely harmful

0 liberalising

List of interventions

3 in force

Implementation date

05 Jul 2016

Revocation date:

No revocation date

Anti-circumvention In force

On 28 May 2015, the European Commission announced the initiation of a sunset review of the antidumping measure imposed on imports of silicon originating in the Republic of Korea and following anti-cir...

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On 5 July 2016, following the conclusion of the sunset review, the United Kingdom as part of the European Union extended the anti-dumping duty on silicon from China. The rate of the duty imposed on im...

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Implementation date

06 Apr 2013

Revocation date:

No revocation date

Anti-circumvention In force

On 6 July 2012, the European Commission initiated an anti-circumvention investigation on imports of silicon from Chinese Taipei. This investigation follows suspicion that the definitive antidumping du...

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Implementation date

30 May 2010

Revocation date:

No revocation date

Anti-dumping In force

On 4 March 2009, the European Commission announced the initiation of a sunset review of the anti-dumping duty imposed on imports of silicon from China. The product subject to investigation is classifi...

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