05 Apr 2018
In April 2018, the Republic of Korea notified the World Trade Organization's Council for Trade in Goods of the decision to suspend concessions and other obligations referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the agreement on Safeguards following tariff increases by the United States on certain goods.
Number of interventions
0 certainly harmful
1 likely harmful
0 liberalising
1 in force
Implementation date
07 Feb 2021
Revocation date:
No revocation date
On 5 April 2018, the Republic of Korea submitted a notification under article 12.5 of the WTO Safeguard Agreement on the decision to suspend concessions and other obligations stipulated in said agreem...
05 Apr 2018
China: Third immediate notification of suspension of concessions towards the United States
06 Apr 2018
Japan: Immediate notification of suspension of concessions towards the United States in April 2018
17 May 2017
United States of America: Safeguard measure on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells
See all
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