17 May 2017
On 17 May 2017, the Indonesian Ministry of Trade published regulation 30/M-DAG/PER/5/2017 changing its imports restrictions for horticultural products and thereby revoking previous regulation 71/M-DAG/PER/9/2015 (cf. related measures).
Number of interventions
1 certainly harmful
0 likely harmful
1 liberalising
2 in force
Implementation date
17 May 2017
Revocation date:
No revocation date
The regulation changes the list of restricted horticultural products which require additional licenses and permits from the government (cf. related measures). The eight products listed below were adde...
Implementation date
17 May 2017
Revocation date:
No revocation date
The regulation changes the list of restricted horticultural products which require additional licenses and permits from the government (cf. related measures). The product categorised as 200190 was rem...
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