07 Nov 2011
On November 7, 2011, the goods covered by "Program of Support to the Technological Development of the Semiconductor Industry (PADIS)" program were updated for the first time since its implementation in 2007. Its main instrument is tax and social insurance contribution relief to participating firms.
Number of interventions
2 certainly harmful
0 likely harmful
0 liberalising
0 in force
Implementation date
07 Nov 2011
Revocation date:
No revocation date
Exempted in the obligation of paying contributions towards the following social insurance schemes and taxes in Brazil: Industrialized Products (IPI), PIS/PASEP as well as COFINS contributions. The sta...
Update on the final goods exempted in the obligation of paying contributions towards the following social insurance schemes and taxes in Brazil: Industrialized Products (IPI), PIS/PASEP as well as COF...
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