28 Jan 2016
In January 2016, the government of Indonesia announced an alteration to its export prohibitions. The regulation 05/2016 came into force on the day of its announcement.
On 16 August 2016, the Ministry of Trade published regulation 59/M-DAG/PER/8/2016 scrapping the above-mentioned regulation on the very same day. In the preamble, the Ministry argued this was necessary to "improve the effectiveness of the export and import policy" (own translation). Hence, this measure is no longer classified as implemented.
The regulation 59/2016 was later amended by regulation 13/2017, however, without any substantial changes.
Number of interventions
1 certainly harmful
0 likely harmful
2 liberalising
0 in force
Implementation date
28 Jan 2016
Revocation date:
No revocation date
On 28 January 2016, the Indonesian Ministry of Trade issued regulation 05/M-DAG/PER/1/2016, amending the country's regulations on importing agricultural products. The amendment still keeps numerous i...
Furthermore, importers of the products listed in the appendix will no longer require a agricultural products import license. Instead, the approval from the Ministry of Trade will suffice.
Implementation date
28 Jan 2016
Revocation date:
No revocation date
Nevertheless, when comparing the appendices of the two regulations regarding which agricultural products may be imported, products under the HS code 1603 ("Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crusta...
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